Get to know the Sabang Marine Festival 2023
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In the coming days, people in Aceh will witness a unique festival called the Sabang Marine Festival. Lasting for 3 days, this festival will be filled with a number of interesting performances.
Reporting from the official website of the Aceh Culture and Tourism Service, the 2023 Sabang Marine Festival will be held with a new concept with the theme "Gateway to Indonesia's Maritime Wealth". The theme, which depicts maritime tourism and community culture, will be held March 17-19 2023 in the Tugu Merah Putih area and around Sabang Bay Harbor.
According to the Deputy for Commercial and Investment at the Sabang Regional Enterprise Agency or BPKS, the Sabang Marine Festival or SMF has been named one of the 110 Best Events in Indonesia in the Kharisma Event Nusantara (KEN) 2023 Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy or Kemenparekraf as reported by Tempo.
Sabang has long been known as one of the leading marine tourism destinations in Indonesia. Sabang offers stunning and exotic natural and sea landscapes. Diving, snorkeling, wind surfing and fishing mania have become tourist destinations in Sabang.
Having been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic two years ago, now Sabang City tourism is booming again. Sabang Marine Festival 2023 will also be a momentum for the revival of tourism. Sabang City has also returned to being a destination for cruise ships and yachters.
In 2020-2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic, tourist visits to Sabang City fell drastically, only reaching 126 thousand -155 thousand people.
In 2022, this will increase to 254 thousand people visiting Sabang. The 2023 Sabang Marine Festival targets 20,000 visits during the three days of the festival. It is hoped that this can contribute to increasing tourist visits to Sabang so that it continues to increase from year to year. Sabang Marine Festival 2023 will be the first signature event in Sabang City, making it a special event for Sabang City.
This time the Sabang Marine Festival will be held collaboratively involving BPKS, Sabang City Government, Aceh Government through the Aceh Culture and Tourism Service and other SKPAs, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which is also supported by other Ministries/Institutions in Sabang, TNI, POLRI , private sector and community.