For those of you who don't know, Sabang is one of the cities that is part of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). According to information gathered from various sources, Sabang is an archipelago located on the north side of the island of Sumatra. The largest island in the archipelago is Pulau Weh which is also the northernmost border of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
That's why you must be familiar with the phrase 'From Sabang to Merauke' which describes how diverse and vast the regions in Indonesia are. So, apart from being the most remote area in Indonesia, Sabang is also known as an area with stunning tourist destinations that would be a shame to miss.
So, here is a list of recommendations for tourist attractions in Sabang that Diadona has collected from various sources:
Tourist Attractions in Sabang
For those of you who want to spend a more special holiday moment, you can really try visiting the following list of recommended tourist attractions in Sabang. Apart from consisting of beautiful natural attractions, Sabang also has a number of interesting tourist destinations that you can visit with your family or special someone.
1. Pantai Pasir Putih (White Sand Beach
Tourist Attractions in Sabang - White Sand Beach
The first recommended tourist spot in Sabang is Pasir Putih Beach which is located in the Paya area, Sukajaya District. Pasir Putih Beach in Sabang is known for its stunning stretch of soft white sand. The natural beauty there is also even more beautiful with a combination of charming green nature. To be able to access Pasir Putih Beach, you have to pay an entrance ticket of IDR 15,000
2. Pantai Kasih